
I've been building websites in some shape or form for almost 3 years now and, until recently, I hadn't built a site of my own. It was always on my to-do list but was forever pushed to the bottom due to other priorities. And then, last November, the UK's second national lockdown arrived (this time much darker and the days much shorter) and I thought 'What better time than now?'. Five months later – voilà!
My requirements were simple. I wanted a site that included:
A blog, encouraging myself to write more. Maybe about work, maybe about what I got up to last weekend. Anything goes.
A space for personal projects. I want to start building more mini-projects that focus on learning specific technologies or practicing skills I haven't yet mastered. This part of the site is hidden for now, but will be shared further down the line.
And a point of contact. I work full time but would be open to taking on the occasional freelance project, and so this is important. If you want to chat, you can contact me here.
This site was built using...
Statamic 3
Statamic is a flat-file CMS. This means no database, easy deployment and a super lightweight size. Perfect for a simple site of this nature.
Tailwind CSS
Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework that promotes the rapid creation of custom designs through the use of helper classes. With the help of PostCSS, the compiled stylesheets are super efficient and lightweight.
And also...
Headroom.js's dynamic header positioning
Forge Laravel hosting